JavaScript for CALCULATOR -<PAYMENT CALCULATOR> -<Calculator Class> -<JSON call Calculator Class> -<Calculator PHPUnit Test>

(function( window, document, $, undefined ){  
  var interestCalculation = {
    init : function(){
              var defaults = {},
                  options = options ? options : {};
                $( '#calculate, #btn-calculate, #penalty-results' ).hide();
                $( '#deadline-year' ).on('change', function( evt ){
                  var year = $(this).val() - 1,
                      $calculate = $( '#calculate' );
                        .after('<span id="tax-year"> for tax year ' + year + '</span>' )
                  $( '#amount-owed' ).val('');
    acceptKeyCodes : function( key ) {
         * Backspace   :  8
         * End         : 35
         * Home        : 36
         * Arrow Left  : 37
         * Arrow Up    : 38
         * Arrow Right : 39
         * Arrow Down  : 40
         * 0           : 48
         * ...
         * 9           : 57
        var acceptKeyCodes = [8, 35, 36, 37, 39, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57];
    	return ( 0 > $.inArray( parseInt(evt.which, 10), acceptKeyCodes ) );
    getInputData : function(){
                  $( '#amount-owed' ).on( 'keyup', function( evt ){
                    var $inputAmount = $( this );
                    $( '#too-many-digits' ).remove();
                    if( !acceptKeyCodes( event.which ) || 6 < $inputAmount.val().length ){
                      var inputValue = $inputAmount.val();
                      if( 6 < $inputAmount.val().length ){
                        $( '#amount-owed' ).after( '<span id="too-many-digits" class="error">Please no more than 6 digits.</span>' );
                        setTimeout( function(){ 
                                        $( '#too-many-digits' )
                                          .fadeOut( 'slow', function(){ $( this ).remove(); } ); 
                                      }, 1000 );
                      var inputValue = $inputAmount.val();
                      $inputAmount.val(inputValue.slice(0, 6));
                    amount  = $( '#amount-owed' ).val();
                    year    = $( '#deadline-year' ).val();
                    intRate = $( '#interest-rate' ).val();
                    deadlineDate = new Date( year, 4, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                    filedDate = new Date();
                    penalty_data = {
                              'amount-owed'   : amount,
                              'deadline-year' : year,
                              'interest-rate' : intRate
                    interestCalculation.calculate( penalty_data);
                  });/* END on keyup */
    calculate : function( penalty_data){                            
                              url : 'utilities/penalty_calculation.php',
                              dataType : 'json',
                              type     : 'post',
                              data     : penalty_data,
                              success  : function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ){
                                            interestCalculation.display( data.amountOwed, data.failureToFilePenalty, data.failureToPayPenalty, data.interestPenalty );
                                            $( '#penalty-results' ).show();
                              error    : function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ){
                                           // console.log(textStatus);
                                           // console.log(errorThrown); 
    display : function( amountOwed, failureToFilePenalty, failureToPayPenalty, interestPenalty ){
                var $resultsFragment = $(document.createDocumentFragment()),
                    $penaltyResults = $( '#penalty-results' );
                $resultsFragment.append( '<p><span class="penalty-type">Failure to File Penalty: </span>$<span id="file-penalty" class="penalty">' + 
                                          failureToFilePenalty.toFixed(2) + '</span></p>' );
                $resultsFragment.append( '<p><span class="penalty-type">Failure to Pay Penalty: </span>$<span id="pay-penalty" class="penalty">' + 
                                          failureToPayPenalty.toFixed(2) +'</span></p>' );
                $resultsFragment.append( '<p><span class="penalty-type">Interest: </span>$<span id="interest-penalty" class="penalty">' + interestPenalty.toFixed(2) + '</span></p>' );
                $resultsFragment.append( '<p id="penalties"><span class="penalty-type">Total Penalties and Interest: </span>$<span class="penalty">' + 
                                          (failureToFilePenalty + failureToPayPenalty + interestPenalty).toFixed(2) + '</span></p>' );
                $resultsFragment.append( '<p><span class="penalty-type">Principle amount: </span>$<span id="principle-amount" class="penalty">' + 
                                          amountOwed.toFixed(2) + '</span></p>' +
                                         '<p id="total-results"><span class="penalty-type">Total Bill: </span>$<span class="penalty">' + 
                                         (+amountOwed + +failureToFilePenalty + +failureToPayPenalty + +interestPenalty).toFixed(2) +
                                         '</span>  (Principal amount owed plus interest and penalties)</p>' );
  };/* END object */

  $.penaltyCalculation = function( method ){
  $.penaltyCalculation( interestCalculation );
})(window, this.document, jQuery);